Accueil > Musique > Muse > Madness


(Matthew Bellamy)

Paroles de la chanson "Madness" :

I can't get these memories out of my mind
And some kind of madness has started to evolve
I tried so hard to let you go
But some kind of madness is swallowing me whole, yeah

I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realized what you mean

And now I need to know this is real love
Or is it just madness keeping us afloat?
And when I look back at all the crazy fights we had
It's like some kind of madness was taking control, yeah

And now I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realized what you need

And now I have finally seen the end
And I'm not expecting you to care, no
But I have finally seen the light
And I have finally realized
I need to love
I need to love

Come to me, just in a dream
Come on and rescue me
Yes I know I can be wrong
Maybe I'm too headstrong
Our love is...


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