Accueil > Musique > Aurora > Runaway


(Aurora Aksnes / Magnus Aserud Skylstad)

Paroles de la chanson "Runaway" :

I was listening to the ocean
I saw a face in the sand
But when I picked it up
Then it vanished away from my hands, down
I had a dream I was seven
Climbing my way in a tree
I saw a piece of heaven
Waiting, impatient, for me, down

And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows, nobody knows
And I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain
But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore

I was painting a picture
The picture was a painting of you
And for a moment I thought you were here
But then again, it wasn't true, down
And all this time I have been lying
Oh, lying in secret to myself
I've been putting sorrow on the farthest place on my shelf

La di da!

And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows, nobody knows
And I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain
But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go
Now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go
Now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore

But I kept running for a soft place to fall
And I kept running for a soft place to fall
And I kept running for a soft place to fall
And I kept running for a soft place to fall

And I was running far away
Would I run off the world someday?
But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go
Now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I got no other place to go

Now take me home, home where I belong
Now take me home, home where I belong
Now take me home, home where I belong
Now take me home, home where I belong

I can't take it anymore

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