Imagine Dragons
"Follow You"

(Daniel Coulter Reynolds / Daniel Wayne Sermon / Benjamin Arthur McKee / Joel Little / Daniel James Platzman / Elley Frances Duhe / Fran Hall)

Paroles de la chanson "Follow You" :

You know I got your number number all night
I'm always on your team, I got your back alright
Taking those taking those losses if it treats you right
I wanna put you into the spotlight

If the world would only know what you've been holding back
Heart attacks every night
Oh, you know it's not right

I will follow you way down wherever you may go
I'll follow you way down to your deepest low
I'll always be around wherever life takes you
You know I'll follow you

Call you up, you've been crying crying all night
You're only disappointed in yourself alright
Taking those taking those losses if it treats you right
I wanna take you into the sunlight

If the world would only know what you've been holding back
Heart attacks every night
Oh, you know it's not right

I will follow you way down wherever you may go
I'll follow you way down to your deepest low
I'll always be around wherever life takes you
You know I'll follow you
You know I'll follow you
Wherever life takes you, you know I'll follow you

She's not the type to give herself enough love
She live her life, hand in a tight glove
I wish that I could fix it, I could fix it for you
But instead I'll be right here coming through

(Right here, coming through)

I will follow you way down wherever you may go
I'll follow you way down to your deepest low
I'll always be around wherever life takes you
You know I'll follow you
You know I'll follow you
Wherever life takes you, you know I'll follow you

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