Accueil > Musique > Aime Simone > Shining Light

Aime Simone
"Shining Light"

(Paul Nouvet)

Paroles de la chanson "Shining Light" :

I've been alone inside my mind
Yeah, I know what I felt
Kept me down
That ain't right

Those days of feeling lonely
Ever drift away, fading lines
Every time that you say you love me
I come alive

Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
And all I fear is to be without you
My shining light

Yeah, I've been on my own most my life
Isolation brought me down every time

My days of feeling lonely
Ever drift away, fading lines
Every time that you say you love me
I see the light

Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
And all I fear is to be without you
My shining light

Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
And all I fear is to be without you
My shining light

Save me slipping
Taking the wrong way
Going down
'Cause I'm fighting from the sunrise
'Til it dies

Find me love
Give me love
Give me life, life
Give me the love
Give me the life

Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
And all I fear is to be without you
My shining light

Yeah, all I need is
The way that you love me
Yeah, all I want is all right here
And all I fear is to be without you
My shining light

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