Accueil > Musique > Coldplay > Life in Technicolor

"Life in Technicolor"

(Guy Berryman / Jonny Buckland / Will Champion / Chris Martin)

Paroles de la chanson "Life in Technicolor" :

There's a wild wind blowing down the corner of my street
Every night there the headlights are glowing
There's a cold war coming on the radio, I heard
Baby, it's a violent world

Oh love, don't let me go
Won't you take me where the street lights glow?
I could hear rain coming, I could hear the sirens sound
Now my feet won't touch the ground

Time came a-creeping, oh, and time's a loaded gun
Every road is a ray of light
It goes on, time only can lead you on
Still, it's such a beautiful night

Oh love, don't let me go
Won't you take me where the street lights glow ?
I can hear rain coming like a serenade of sound
Now my feet won't touch the ground

Gravity, release me
And don't ever hold me down
Now my feet won't touch the ground

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