Bastian Baker

(Bastian Baker)

Paroles de la chanson "Lucky" :

You say you are, never gonna leave me.
Like a child, you will always help me
Through the storms, I like the way
You stand by me.
I know I’m lucky

Wonder when, wonder when you saw me
Crying tears, certainly it’s been a
Couple years, the brighter side of life has shone
That I’m not wrong

That everything I thought I
Would have to do to do right
Is never gonna be what it was planned to be, coz I’m lucky
The days are shining happy
The pain forever missing
From when I wake, throughout the day
A lasting smile upon my face

Lucky I’m lucky and I hope I’ll always be
Lucky all my life so nobody
Will ever need to worry about me
I’m living free

Lucky star, I know it’s shining somewhere
In the sky high above in thin air
Watching down, to ensure that I’m all right
I feel at peace

That everything I thought I
Would have to do to do right
Is never gonna be what it was planned to be, coz I’m lucky
The days are shining happy
The pain forever missing
From when I wake, throughout the day
A lasting smile upon my face

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