Accueil > Musique > Faouzia > You Don't Even Know Me

"You Don't Even Know Me"

(Nitzan Kaikov / Faouzia Ouihya)

Paroles de la chanson "You Don't Even Know Me" :

I walk into a crowded room
Everybody staring
What did I, what did I do wrong?
What did I, what did I do wrong?

Oh, you see what you wanna see
But you don't even know me
What did I, what did I do now?
What did I, what did I do now?

He said, she said, over it
You're acting like you're brilliant
But you don't know
Yeah, you don't know

You don't know a thing at all
You don't know about the way I am when I am all alone
You don't even know
The way I care the way I've grown
You don't know about the way I love so deeply to my bones
You don't even know me


I walk it off and brush away
Everything you say
'Cause I don't care, I don't care at all
I don't care, I don't care at all

He said, she said, over it
You're acting like you're brilliant
But you don't know (you don't know)
Yeah, you don't know

You don't know a thing at all
You don't know about the way I am when I am all alone
You don't even know
The way I care the way I've grown
You don't know about the way I love so deeply to my bones
You don't even know me

Woah, you don't even know me
Woah, you don't even know

You don't know a thing at all
You don't know about the way I am when I am all alone
You don't even know
The way I care the way I've grown
You don't know about the way I love so deeply to my bones
You don't even know me

You don't even know me, oh

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