Accueil > Musique > Stevie Wonder > Faith (avec Ariana Grande)

Stevie Wonder
"Faith (avec Ariana Grande)"

(Stevie Wonder / Ryan B. Tedder / Benjamin Joseph Levin / Brent Michael Kutzle / Francis Farewell Starlite)

Paroles de la chanson "Faith (avec Ariana Grande)" :

See the girl with the diamonds in her shoes? (Yeah)
She walks around like she's got nothin' to lose
Yeah, she's a go-getter, she's everybody's type
She's a queen of the city, but she don't believe the hype
She's got her own elevation, holy motivation
So I wrote some letters out in big bold type

I got faith in you, baby
I got faith in you now
And you've been such a, such a good friend to me
Know that I love you somehow
I met you, hallelujah, I got faith

See the boy with the Stevie Wonder swag?
Ain't got a clue all the magic that he has
He's a go-getter, he's everybody's type
I'ma make it my mission, make him feel alright
He's a 12 on a ten-point, rockin' out to his joint
Just say the word 'cause I could sing all night

I got faith (faith) in you, baby
I got faith (oh) in you now
And you've been such a, such a good friend to me
Know that I love you somehow (love you somehow)
I met you, hallelujah, I got faith

Yes, I do

I get around ya and my mind goes crazy
I think about you mornin', noon, night, and day
I get around ya and my mind goes crazy
I think about you mornin', noon, night, and day
I got faith in you, honey (I get around you and my mind goes crazy)
I got faith in you, girl (I think about you mornin', noon, night, and day)
I got faith in you, honey (baby)
I got faith in you, girl
I met you, hallelujah

I got faith (faith) in you, baby (faith)
I got faith (faith, oh) in you now
And you've been such a, such a good friend to me (woo)
Know that I love you somehow (love you somehow)
I met you, hallelujah, I got faith (faith, faith, baby)

I got faith (faith) in you, baby (baby)
I got faith (faith) in you now (oh)
And you've been such a, such a good friend to me
Know that I love you somehow (yes, I do)
I met you, hallelujah
I met you, hallelujah
I met you, hallelujah, I got faith

Faith (woo!)

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