Accueil > Musique > Woodkid > I love you

"I love you"

(Yoann Lemoine / Ambroise Willaume)

Paroles de la chanson "I love you" :

Where the light shivers offshore
Through the tides of oceans
We are shining in the rising sun

As we are floating in the blue
I am softly watching you
Oh boy your eyes betray what burns inside you

Whatever I feel for you
You only seem to care about you
Is there any chance you could see me too?
Cause I love you
Is there anything I could do
Just to get some attention from you?
In the waves I've lost every trace of you
Where are you?

After all I drifted ashore
Through the streams of oceans
Whispers wasted in the sand

As we were dancing in the blue
I was synchronized with you
But now the sound of love is out of tune

Whatever I feel for you
You only seem to care about you
Is there any chance you could see me too?
Cause I love you
Is there anything I could do
Just to get some attention from you?
In the waves I've lost every trace of you
Where are you?

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