Mathias Anderle

(Mathias Anderle)

Paroles de la chanson "Summertime" :

Oh oh
Here we go
Turn it up
Don't you know, it's summertime
Everybody get ready, it's summertime

Wake up, the crack of noon
Sun shinin' in my eyes
Looked out my bedroom window
Surf's up, clear blue skies

I move so, so
Hit the switch on the radio
I start the day to explore
And the bass bloom
Got to play this
I'm good to go

Got my rays on
Got the top down
All my friends here
We're headin' out (We're headin' fun)
It's summertime (It's what's it's all about)

Oh oh, here we go
Turn it up
Don't you know, it's summertime
Get loose, get alright
It's what it's all about
Cuz nothing else really matters
Just put it all behind
Everybody get ready,
It's summertime
Everything get ready,
It's summertime

PCH, straight down to Malibu
Hanging out the beach that's right
Running with my friends till the sun goes down
Bonfire, lighten up the night

The party's on now
Goin' crazy, got me spinnin' around
Stop the music, drop your needle down
Better check the ground
Everybody move your body to the summer sound

Got my heart check, feet in the sand
Watch the sunset
Yeah that's the plan
It's summertime (that's what it's all about)

Oh oh, here we go
Turn it up
Don't you know, it's summertime
Get loose, get alright
It's what it's all about
Cuz' nothing else really matters
Just put all behind
Everybody get ready,
It's summertime
Everything get ready,
It's summertime

Sleep, party, good times
Favorite spot by the sunshine
Everybody in their minds
Everynight, summertime
Pretty girls braggin' always
You so lovin' my ways
This gets better everyday and everynight,

Oh oh, here we go
Turn it up
Don't you know, it's summertime
Get loose, get alright
It's what it's all about (it's what it's all about)
Cuz' nothing else really matters
Just put all behind
Everybody get ready,
It's summertime

Oh oh, here we go
Turn it up
Don't you know, it's summertime
Get loose, get alright
It's what it's all about (it's what it's all about)
Cuz' nothing else really matters
Just put all behind
Everybody get ready, it's summertime
Everybody get ready, it's summertime
Everybody get ready, it's summertime

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