"Follow me"
(Matthew Bellamy)
Paroles de la chanson "Follow me" :
When darkness falls
And surrounds you
When you fall down,
When you're scared
And you're lost. Be brave,
I'm coming to hold you now
When all your strength has gone
And you feel wrong,
Like your life has slipped away
Follow me
You can follow me
And I will not desert you now
When your fire's died out,
No one's there,
They have left you for dead
Follow me
You can follow me
I will keep you safe,
Follow me
You can follow me,
I will protect you
I won't let them hurt, they're hurting you, no
Ooh yeah
When your heart is breaking
You can follow me
You can follow me
I will always keep you safe,
Follow me,
You can trust in me
I will always protect you, my love
Feel my love
Feel my love
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