Accueil > Musique > Alan Walker > Man On The Moon (avec Benjamin Infrosso)

Alan Walker
"Man On The Moon (avec Benjamin Infrosso)"

(Alan Walker / Sander Meland / Fredrik Borch Olsen / Jessica Agombar / Gunnar Greve / Carl Hovind / Marcus Arnbekk / Jesper Borgen / Oeyvind Sauvik / Jesper Jenset / David Alexander Stewart)

Paroles de la chanson "Man On The Moon (avec Benjamin Infrosso)" :

What happens in dreams where we fly?
Never been as high as tonight
Staring through a window in time
For someone to show me what I'm like

He said, "Hello", it's like a mirror in the sky
And I can see us from up high
Oh boy, we're looking good tonight
And I just don't understand

I met the man on the moon
On the moon, I heard him saying
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, we'll be okay, yeah
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, I heard him saying
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, we'll be okay, yeah

He said, "Hello", it's like a mirror in the sky
And I can see us from up high
Oh boy, we're looking good tonight
And I just don't understand

I met the man on the moon
On the moon, I heard him saying
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, we'll be okay, yeah
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, I heard him saying
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, we'll be okay, yeah

I met the man on the moon, he wore his hat to the side
I met the man on the moon, he asked if I had a light
He told us to hold it together, when falling apart
He told us to light up the world when we dream in the dark

I met the man on the moon
On the moon, I heard him saying
I met the man on the moon
On the moon, we'll be okay, yeah

Lost and our tears have turned to dust
Maybe somebody is calling us
Man on the moon, yeah
Just the man on the moon

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