Demi Lovato
"In case"

(Jake Schmugge / Emanuel Kiriakou / Priscilla Renea)

Paroles de la chanson "In case" :

Pictures in my pocket
Are faded from the washer
I can barely just make out your face
Food you saved for later
In my refrigerator
It's been too long since later never came

I know
One day eventually
Yeah, I know
One day I have to let it all go
But I keep it just in case
Yeah, I keep it just in case

In case
You don't find what you're looking for
In case
You're missing what you had before
In case
You change your mind, I'll be waiting
In case
You just want to come home

Strong enough to leave you
Weak enough to need you
Cared enough to let you walk away
I took that dirty jacket
From the trash right where you left it
'Cause I couldn't stand to see it go to waste

I know
One day eventually
Yeah, I know
One day I have to let it all go
But I keep it just in case
Yeah, I keep it just in case

In case
You don't find what you're looking for
In case
You're missing what you had before
In case
You change your mind, I'll be waiting
In case
You just want to come home
In case

You're looking in that mirror one day
And missed my arms
How they wrapped around your waist
I say that you can love me again
Even if it isn't the case

You don't find what you're looking for
You're missing my love
You don't find what you're looking for
In case
You're missing what you had before
In case
You change your mind, I'll be waiting
In case
You just want to come home
In case

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