Accueil > Musique > Evi > When Its Over

"When Its Over"


Paroles de la chanson "When Its Over" :

Admit that you’re wrong
i’ll tell you its fine
And It could’ve worked
If I was better at lying

I could start a fire
Easing my mind
But I’m finding comfort
In the places

I’ve cried all night
I took it too far to rewind this time
Forgotten how to recognise just why
I wanna feel alone
Feel alone


Im breaking hearts just to see how you could
When its over
I cant help loving how
I made the good guys look just like you
When its over
I still hear your sound

All that I’ve known
All that Ive seen
Is it worth letting go
So I could finally

Find peace?
another set of bones
On me?
Im free?
Or is it set in stone
Just why
I might wanna feel alone
Feel alone?


Im breaking hearts just to see how you could
When its over
I cant help loving how
I made the good guys look just like you
When its over
I still hear your sound

When it’s over
I still hear your sound

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