Accueil > Musique > Fast Boy > Forget You (avec Topic)

Fast Boy
"Forget You (avec Topic)"

(FAST BOY / Topic / Truva / Benedikt Schöller / Felix Hain / Lucas Hain / Timothy Auld)

Paroles de la chanson "Forget You (avec Topic)" :

I'm drivin' down the coast of Delaware
I had to leave before I fall off the tightrope
Run for my life 'cause, babe, I'm well aware
Need to get out of here right now

God, I wish I never met you
I, I keep forgettin' to forget you
And from the start, I shoulda known you're bad news
I, I keep forgettin' to forget you

I'd pay a fortune for amnesia (Amnesia)
And here I'm tryin' not to jump off the deep end
In every face, I see a piece of ya
And, yeah, I dream of my freedom

God, I wish I never met you
I, I keep forgettin' to forget you
And from the start, I shoulda known you're bad news
I, I keep forgettin' to forget you

God, I wish I never met you
I, I keep forgettin' to forget you
Forget you

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