Accueil > Musique > Irma > I Know

"I Know"

(Irma / Bryan Marciano / Antoine Madebago)

Paroles de la chanson "I Know" :

I'd like to tell you just a word
I am so sorry to disturb
You make me thinking I'm a fool

I heard you tell you don't care
I heard you thinking loud and clear
It doesn't make me proud of you

I know your time is precious
But give me just a second
I need to strength feels out with you

You put my hopes and dreams away
And there is not a single day
I don't fear the words because of you

And I know
That is not a dream
But I saw
Yeah I saw your skin
And I know
I saw

I wonder if there's a justice
When I look right into your eyes
Those feelings never lie

My only weapon is the song
And you won't have to sing alone
This is the story of my life

And I know
That is not a dream
But I saw
Yeah I saw your skin
And I know
I saw

I know I know I know I know yes I know
I saw I saw I saw

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