Accueil > Musique > Kenzie > Sickly Sweet

"Sickly Sweet"


Paroles de la chanson "Sickly Sweet" :

Wrap me up in your jacket, close to your collarbone
You're sugarcoatin' your words like they're drippin' down my throat
Your compliments are sweet, they're stickin' to my teeth, yeah (Ah, ah)
You give me all your attention and then you pull away
And out the blue, you come rollin' in like a hurricane
Your feelings for me change dependin' on the day (Ah)

Oh, I'd like to tell you where you can go
Sugar high and then you kill with the low
Hands on me, you got your claws in deep (Ah)
'Cause, honey, you're sickly sweet

I love the sirens 'cause silence keeps me awake at night
I see the red flags holdin' me back, but I'll be colorblind
It takes two to tango and now we're tangled (Ah)

Oh, I'd like to tell you where you can go
Sugar high and then you kill with the low
Hands on me, you got your claws in deep (Ah)
'Cause, honey, you're sickly sweet

Oh, I'd like
Sugar high
Hands on me
'Cause, honey, you're sickly sweet

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