Accueil > Musique > Paramore > Running out of time

"Running out of time"


Paroles de la chanson "Running out of time" :

Said I was gonna take some flowers to my neighbor but I ran out of time
Didn’t wanna show up to the party empty handed
But I ran out of time
Said I’d walk the dog a little further than the driveway tonight
The extra mile
Thought I’d send a card with my condolences but damn I
Just ran out of time

Intentions only get you so far
What if I’m just a selfish prick?
No regard

I’m always running out of time

Nevermind I hit the snooze on my alarm twenty times
But I was just so tired
There was traffic
Spilled my coffee
Crashed my car
Woulda been here on time
Wouldn’t matter
Ultimate alibi
You know it’s a lie

There was a fire! (Metaphorically)
Be there in 5! (Hyperbolically)

Intentions only get you so far
(It was on my list I swear I meant to get to it)
A harsh reality to discover

I’m always running out of time

Why we gotta be in a rush?
My watch is just for decoration
Look I showed up early for once
Now that’s a new sensation

We’re always running out of


She’s always running out of time

We’re always running out of time

She’s always running out of time

We’re always running out of time

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