Accueil > Musique > Shaka Ponk > Wanna get free

Shaka Ponk
"Wanna get free"

(Shaka Ponk)

Paroles de la chanson "Wanna get free" :

So much trouble on my mind
I don't know where to begin
I got my ears full of shit i got my bruises to spit

Here's my sweet vendetta
I'm a tweet till I'm better
Type ma deep deep anger
Till there's blood on my finger
Quick a sinner liar
Pull the trigger you loser
Solo me and my computer
Watch your "Ha" I'm a gamer

Free free free from material world
A notorious girl in a jungle
Wanna get free, wanna get free
Wanna get free, wanna get free

I am sitting eating crispy cream in front of my screen
I see the whole world moving
Something's wrong with my genes
Got the geek supapowa
Who's da chick pixel eater
Criticizing my behavior
Explosive dis-likes in your face
Your profile I erase - lost case lust race
Litta puta selling tits to some pedophile freaks

Free free free from material world
A notorious girl in a jungle
Wanna get free, wanna get free
Wanna get free, wanna get free

Jesus is on the line for you
Just tell the family and crew
Distance is not a problem anymore
Resistance is just a common behavior
Darling I'm not the only one

Free free free from material world
A notorious girl in a jungle
Wanna get free, wanna get free
Wanna get free, wanna get free

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